

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

First therapy session with an ED specialist

Hey everyone, I wanted to post this because today was kind of a big day for me in regards to returning to therapy. I didn't necessarily ever quit therapy but took a long hiatus. The last therapy session I had was in May which was with George. I never went into my last appointment thinking that this was the last time I was going to be seeing him, it just kind of happened that way. Ever since the middle of August my parents and I have been searching for a therapist who specializes in eating disorders because at that point my parents both knew that my issues with eating isn't going to go away and I need help.

I got referred to Courtney who I really like even if I only had one session with her. Her approach is very different from any other therapist I've ever had. She is more direct and specific and I really like that, it is more effective in my opinion.

It's very interesting for focusing on my ED and the underlying issues behind my eating disorder is very scary and new to me. One thing that is really interesting that I didn't really know about was the lower your weight is most likely the more anxious that you will get because your body is under stress. I thought that was really interesting and I didn't really even think that was a possibility.

Like every first appointment with anybody you just go over your history and paperwork. Through going through my paperwork and my history and all that I realized that my eating disorder really stems from when I was in middle school, most of my issues really. It's really interesting basically going through my life bit by bit and just talking about it is weird.

She asked me something interesting that I was kind of stand offish to answer and that was "on a scale from 1-10, how much do you really want to work on this" I gave her an answer of 6-7.

I'm excited to continue seeing her and seeing how much of my past are correlated to my ED. Basically I realized how much pain I really have behind me and it will be scary to evaluate and weave out but I know it's a key part in order to become healthy.

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