

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 10th

"Don't invalidate your feelings. Honor them."

Demi's words- I used to run and hide from my feeling especially when I felt something that was upsetting, painful or uncomfortable. But overtime I've learned to accept my feelings. I know that in order to work through them, I must first honor and embrace my emotions. They are a part of me. Therefore they are meaning and valid.

Goal- pick a feeling that your afraid or ashamed of. Feeling fear, anger or sadness is okay as long as you don't let them define you. Embrace your emotions and remind yourself how valuable they are.

So far these quotes have been really hard for me to understand but I will try to explain them or try to the best I can. Since 7th grade I've been terrified of my emotions, I've been numbing them and sweeping them away with destructive behaviors to the junk pile corner in my brain. I'm afraid of all the bad feelings, I let my feelings define me through my addictions and I will someday learn and discover how to deal with my feelings and let myself actually feel.

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