

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Junior year has come to an end

Yet another school year has ended and another summer begins. I don't know exactly how I feel about becoming a senior and that inevitably means becoming another year older. Let's just say I'm happy to have made it through this year emotionally as well as academically. Junior year is said to be the hardest year of your high school career and I would have to agree.

I had a C average which is not great but enough to get by which is all I wanted to accomplish. This school year I not only have grown in my education but I have also gained an immense amount of self-knowledge. A little bit of the skill of being able to value myself no matter how small in regards to friendships or lack there of. I have learned to become more aware of what I truly want in and of a friend not only because they happened to like me.

This particular friend and I have split ways and I have to say I am proud of myself for that. I'm proud for actually admitting to others and myself that I don't deserve to be treated the way I was by her or anybody really but especially those who I label my friends. I don't have any friends at school. Which some days I'm completely fine with and others I want to fall apart with loneliness. What is most important in any situation, not only in friendships, that not only knowing your morals and values but actually being able to put them into practice.

For a long time I have always said that I didn't like this particular person which I had a valid reason for. For the longest time though, I never had the guts to actually put my morals and values into practice and actually live by them not just think them. I know I made the right choice and I am really glad that I did.

This school year is wrapped up in a box of memories and now I'm just awaiting the journey of becoming a senior. OMG.

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