

Sunday, May 29, 2016

the pure innocence of a child

While I was driving off from my aunts house helping with the babies I started thinking and just realizing how innocent and perfect children are.

Children are grown up enough to not be "perfect". In reality perfection doesn't exist. It never has actually. When it comes to infants we all have this perfection that we see in newborns and infants. Experiencing life for the first time with silky smooth skin and a mouth that has not been used and eyes that are seeing the world for the first time.

My cousins (second cousins) are 5,3 (almost 4), 11 months and 9 months old. To me they are still babies with mouths that have not argued, brains that have not been burnt and skin that has not been scarred. In my opinion the term innocence used for children are valid up until you reach adolescents. Puberty changes you, sometimes for the better often times it changes you in ways that you never expected. That doesn't necessarily mean that innocence has totally flown out the window but it definitely becomes tainted through that time in your life.

I realize that you can't protect anyone from life's inevitable events but it is possible in the ways that we cope with it. The fact that they will get hurt physically or emotionally is somewhat inevitable. Does it still break my heart knowing that that's a possibility? Absolutely. I've said and thought this multiple times, I never ever want any of them to experience the pain that I go through and the experiences I've been dealt. I love them so much and I just want them to stay innocent forever.

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