

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

random question time part 2

1. What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? Take a shower or just sit on the couch watching YouTube videos

2. Where did your last kiss take place? And to whom? My ex boyfriend at his house

3. Do/did you get in trouble a lot at school? Not really, my freshman year I served 6 hours of detention for skipping 3 hours of school literally the day before thanksgiving break, my cousin who was a junior at the time I think took me home.

4. Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so? I'm more then content but my mom wants me to get a job mainly to get experience and having something to do but also to pay for my gas and whatever

5. Do you often pick up on double entrenders and innuendos? Yes

6. Tell us something weird that's turned you on? When a guy just randomly texts me without warning. Really with any person because I don't have very many friends.

7. When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? Sophomore year. It was mutual defenitely

8. What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? My dad's alcoholism

9. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Every day during school. I have 5 classes with this girl who annoys the shit out of me and I literally cannot escape her.

10. Do you usually initiate hugs? No

11. Are you a very affectionate person? No

12. Can you roll your own cigarettes? Don't smoke but I bet if I did I could

13. What are you looking forward to? Hanging out with Lydia again

14. Do you have any tattoos? Do you want any/more? Yes I want a tattoo

15. Are you mentally strong? Yes considering I'm still here

16. Are you physically strong? I used to be when I was in cheer but I'm not anymore

17. Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now? I'm not in school

18. What do you usually eat for breakfast? I don't really ever eat breakfast but I eat cereal anytime of the day really

19. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes when my dad isn't drinking

20. Who did you last say "I love you" to? My mom when I went to school

21. Do you regret anything? Not that I regret anything but I defenitely wish I would've thought things through a little more before I did them. I'm a pretty impulsive person. I do regret lying to my best friends that was a dark time in my life and I regret it so much but I'm happy that I'm passed that point now.

22. Do you hate anyone at the moment? No, I might dislike a few people but I don't really hate anybody

23. Do you miss someone? Yes

24. Have any pets? A dog, a lizard, bunny and two tadpoles

25. How exactly are you feeling at the moment? I want to go home because I think I got what my mom and brother's bronchitis and my hips and my legs ache so badly but my mom brought me motrin just so I can get through the day

26. Ever made out in the bathroom? No

27. Are you scared of spiders? Only big ones and I am scared of brown recluses because my mom got a horrible spider bite scar from one and it took multiple surgeries and a lot of time for it to heal

28. Would you go back in time if given the chance? I thought about this for a split second and my mind quickly reverted to no. There are some things I regret obviously and things I wished I never picked up on but what I've gone through has made me into who I am today and I'm defenitely not ashamed of that.

29. Where was the last place you snogged someone? I have no idea what snogged means and it doesn't sound like something I would do anyway

30. What are your plans for this weekend? Hopefully hangout with my friend Lydia and babysit the triplets

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