

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

NEDAW 2016: Day 3

Theme: 3 days can save a life 

The reality of eating disorders and body image is not only the very known body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Although that is a common theme with people with eating disorders, it doesn't have to be classified as a disorder. Body image issues appear within seconds and can even change according to mirror angles. For me, I have a certain way of making sure i'm still skinny or according to my eating disorder, an okay person. If I'm not thin or appearing to look a little bigger according to different objects whether it be a physical mirror or a phone camera.

For some reason my brain works by the visual picture of my body. I don't know how, but taking a picture of my body with my phone and actually looking in the mirror at myself is different? I don't even understand it myself but I can't help but believe that one has better reflection than the other.

Does my body necessarily change? No and I know that, even my therapist asked me that and I realized it's just the reassurance and gratification I get by just physically looking at my body and being like "I'm okay". Body image has a lot to do with eating disorders more than people think because it's all focused on the food when outsiders are looking in which is true but the one thing I want to say is that...

Eating disorders are not about the food. Or our negative outlook on our bodies. Eating disorders go so much deeper than that and I think that's something that all the people on the outside looking in should constantly remind themselves. Be gentle to those you love who are suffering because you can see what they are doing behavior wise but have you ever thought that they have a way more intense battle in their head than you could ever imagine.

Image result for ed recovery symbol

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