

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

realizations in therapy

Last night I had a really good therapy session and I think I had breakthroughs and revelations within the session. i already knew I cared a lot of what people think of me. A step further kind of along those lines is I never exactly realized before or didn't really acknowledge. I care a lot about how I perform in everything I do including school.

When I don't live up to what I believe is "good enough" my mind immediately translates to self-destructive behavior. I already kind of knew that about myself but talking my insecurities out with my therapist kind of made that belief more real. My therapist and I have talked about this before and he poses this question to me a lot and that is "What happens when you get to your goal weight?" The more I think it I realize I honestly don't know but I always say I won't know until I get there which is true at least in my opinion.

Those are sort of realizations I had in therapy yesterday. I like to kind of reflect on my sessions and just thinking about it doesn't really do it justice for me I feel like I need to write it out! Also the other thing that I thought was funny is my therapist brought up how my blog is so raw and so real but at the same time there is a lot of run on sentences. Which I thought was really funny because it's very true and he said that anyone who are English teachers or whatever will find errors in my blog.

Basically my blog is not grammatically correct but whatever I don't really care I just thought it was funny that he brought it up because I recognize it in my writing all the time! It's okay because that's me, right? Is any blog grammatically correct?

Everything will be okay
I hope
Everything will be okay 

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