

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

"Sometimes we just have to dance to the music we are given... and you may end up dancing slower than you thought"

Everybody has situations in life that we are upset about or think "Why did this happen to me?" There will never be an exact answer but you always know an exact answer but you always know eventually. I firmly believe in everything happens for a reason, I don't believe in God necessarily but I do believe in some type of spirituality whatever that could be.

I get easily when I don't do things perfectly or at the pace I wanted it to be done, I don't believe myself as being a perfectionist, but it does bug me. I've accepted myself as being different with all the aspects of my life, am I easily ashamed? Yes, am I easily embarrassed when it comes to my differences but I've pretty much as soon as I got out of middle school that there's no use in being ashamed or dwelling on the fact that I should change to what societies stereotypes deem as the only way to live to be accepted.

You shouldn't be ashamed of what you can't change, embrace it. I wouldn't go as far as saying I embrace my individuality but I'm accepting it more and more and that to me is a start. 

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