

Friday, November 27, 2015

Triggering content

My thighs touch in a way they haven't in a long time. I'm not eating unless I avail have to until Monday. The day after thanksgiving is always really hard for me but this takes the cake. To make it worse I knew it was going to be a high number so I was even contemplating weighing myself this morning cause why even torture myself like that? Well I just couldn't stand not knowing. I have to weigh myself in the morning. 

I drank 4 cans of pop while I was at my aunts house so most of it is water weight i know that but the scale doesn't care how much food or how much liquid you consume, the number goes up no matter what. 

I'm out to lunch with my aunt, my cousin and my mom and the way my clothes fit I want to barf. I can feel my skin touching every crevasse of fabric on my body. 

Post-thanksgiving feelings. Don't mind me. 

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