

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Story of me

There was a little girl who became a shell of a human being. Breathing but not really breathing, living but not really living, merely existing. Existing is pretty  generous even still. This girl has a friend with her, it's in her head. She calls it ED, taking over every last space in her soul with no way to make it stop. 

The voices to stop. Every little detail of everyday has been consumed by a evil entity that you cannot see. You should be afraid of what you can't see; they are more dangerous than a physical knife to your throat because guess what? After that it's over. The evil in your soul that you can't even begin to describe begins to seep through your soul, then before you know it it just takes over your utterly innocent body that once was. Stacking with no warning.

Every decision is mapped out before you have your eyes open in the morning with the grueling realization that you have to endure another day. It's totally encompassing, not only to you but the life you once lived, the pure innocence of it all is now just a vacant memory that you will never get back. No matter how hard you try. You will never be the same 


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