

Friday, October 23, 2015

"If the wind will not serve, take the oars"-Latin Proverb

The way I see this quote is when things don't pan out the way you plan to, you have to have plan b and you have to find things that work out for the situation that you're in. Sometimes you have to do things for yourself and fix your situation by what you think is right. Also for me for example, competitive cheerleading was my first love. It still is. I will forever remember this experience in my life as one of the things that made me feel like I had a purpose. Now, even if I love it and view it positively today it doesn't mean that it was the best environment for me emotionally/mentally. I had to "take the oars" as in I had to do what was best for me at the time even though it was a really hard decision even though deep down I knew I almost had no choice but to quit.

Quitting cheerleading was very hard because it was a HUGE part of my life. Being at the gym 3-4 times a week, competitions, getting ready for competitions took up a lot of my time but after I quit I had no idea what to do with myself.

To be honest confronting the coaches and the gym owner was one of the hardest thing I've ever done not only because I hate confrontation but because it was almost like I lost my identity. Since I've been little, even before I was an athlete I've always had an athletic/muscular body and many people have always referred to me as the little athlete and being apart of a sport made me feel like I deserved the title and I was proud of when I was identified as the "cheerleader." Sometimes you have to do things that maybe have a lot at stake but the most important thing to do what's best for you in that moment.

Even if I'm really nostalgic for being a part of competitive cheer again, I knew what I did at the end of the day was what I needed because at the back of my mind I knew that the situation I was in would never get better without removing myself from the toxicity.

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