

Friday, September 25, 2015

Keeping good grades with a mental illness

I personally have never really had a problem with my grades slipping but I know it's a problem for some people it's very challenging but I wish I could help those who are struggling with it, but I can only speak for myself. For me it never really has been an issue like I said. Sometimes I do lose my motivation to do school work but I always get it done even if I am a huge procrastinator.

This year or since I've been in school or a social setting it's always caused me immense anxiety and it's just heightened by a million. Anyway this isn't making much sense at all but what i'm trying to explain is any mental illness is really hard, I think more emotionally than physically at least for me, I've never let any assignment slide but like I said the way I act in classes or whatever I am lacking enthusiasm if you will. My teachers ever since i've been little have always made the comment at my IEP meetings, "You're always so quiet."

One thing that I have always thought was a little stupid and stereotypical, not stereotypical but cheesy I guess when people always say "You need to ask for support.", "Get help" but honestly this year it has been a lifesaver. Also, if you're really struggling in a subject, get a tutor either from your school or somewhere else because for me it makes me feel like I can go at my own pace which is nice.

Math is probably my weakest subject with a close second to history and I'm in Algebra 2 right now and let me tell you it's SO helpful to have a tutor to help! Keeping up with therapy is also super important. I don't really know where any of you live but in the U.S. there's a system called IEP's which is for kids who need extra help and I have an autism spectrum disorder called PDDNOS. It's like a very very high functioning disorder which is on the autism spectrum.

I sometimes can't tell if it's just my personality or my PDDNOS, because I honestly don't notice a difference really. I don't like to deem myself to that just because it's something I have, you know what I mean? I kind of got off track, my resource teacher/para's have been really supportive of me and they know my issues and I can talk to them about what's going on, not in full detail obviously but I can say I'm struggling and they'll help me which is really helpful because you need those people in your lives whether in school or not, to have your back because no one deserves to go through anything alone.

Also, I have a school counselor that I talk to periodically which I have actually went to her first and told her that I had a panic attack that day and I just needed someone to talk to and as I was walking to her office I was rethinking even going because that's a huge step for me to take because I like to have everyone think i'm fine but in reality i'm not at all. I was really scared to go in because i'm not the one to freely ask for help emotionally and I bet you all are the same way but trust me after talking to my teachers/paras/counselors I feel so much better and that's what their there for. Don't go in too deep though because it's not really necessary in my opinion but just to admit that you're struggling and for them to help you just so can get through the day is very reassuring and helpful in many ways.

I hope some of my advice was helpful, if you want to know anymore or any advice posts I'd be happy to do that!

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