

Friday, August 28, 2015

Panic attack...

Yesterday I had one of the worst panic attacks I can remember, It was my second to last class of the day and it was really scary to be honest. I've had anxiety plenty of times but never to the point where I had to tell the teacher and it was really scary because I haven't had an attack like that In awhile.

She let me go out in the hall and she gave me a cold bottle of water and I feel bad for her because she didn't really know what to do but she gave me my space which was needed. I ended skipping one of my classes to just calm down and regroup a little bit and we called my mom together because she told me she's going to have to make contact with my mom no matter if I told her or not.

My mom was really understanding and I was nervous about driving because I don't know how safe it is to drive when you're just getting over a panic attack.... am I right?

I defenitely think I need new medication or atleast a safe mix of my zoloft and possibly another anti-anxiety medication because I'm not drugged up enough.. jk :) Prior to the scenario I have been taking my meds everyday when i'm supposed to so I don't really know what I was having anxiety over... you know those moments when they just happen for no good reason?

My dad, uncles and the majority of my cousins have a history of anxiety so that's where I get it mostly and it sucks! Thanks dad!

I have an appointment with my medicine doctor September 10th which is a long ass time when you have sporadic feeling as if you're dying panic attacks, that's the earliest I can get in too so that sucks big time.

I left this as a draft because I didn't have time to finish it, my panic attack happened on Wednesday just so there's no confusion. This is why I hate not finishing a post because it can get confusing!

I see my therapist soon I think so we'll see because I've had panic attacks back to back with a span of 3 days and I can't handle this type of crippling anxiety much longer.

If any of you have any tips for managing anxiety in or out of school will be much appreciated!

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