

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Nothing has really changed since my last rant/update but this time I'm going to fill you guys in on sort of a real update, nothing else has really changed but I wanted to write something because it's 12:02 in the morning and I can't sleep. Actually now there are things to talk about, My dad's drinking at midnight and apparently my parents got in a "fight" upstairs. I say "fight" because it wasn't really one it was more of a statement and since my dad was somewhat drunk and already sensitive he blows things out of proportion very quickly no matter how minor the statement is. My mom told him to calm down because my brother was sleeping and I guess was bugging him somehow which he does do and she wasn't really starting a fight she just said it to remind him that it's not really okay.

Anyway I don't know if any of you have divorced parents or just parents in general who talk bad about the other but it's really hard on me when my dad talks negatively about my mom because he seems to be the only one who does it and to my knowledge he only bad mouths her when I'm around because he thinks I'm mature enough I guess but no child, no matter what their age likes to hear a parent talking bad about the other. We love both our parents no matter what mistakes they make so it hurts me when my dad talks bad about her.

If any of you have advice or anything let me know because I'm sort of at a loss to what to do about it.

I think I'm done now. Talk to you all later

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