

Friday, April 17, 2015

How to deal with anxiety (BEDA day 5)

I thought I would do a post about anxiety because it's pretty prevalent in my life at the moment and it's something everyone deals with at a certain points in their lives whether it's a disorder or not. Not everyone who has anxiety is diagnosed with a disorder and everyone has hard times and I think some people forget that.

I'm no expert obviously I just think that some people don't understand that even me I catch myself when I hear about a person who has anxiety I automatically they have a anxiety disorder of some kind and honestly it's the nature of the society standards surrounding mental disorders and when we get rid of that stigma by spreading awareness everyone will be more knowledgeable and accepting.

I don't really know what direction of this post was headed the whole point is it's important to figure out the root cause of it and find the main situations that trigger it and go from there. With any problem it's important to find out how and why it happened so you can try to fix it.

Anxiety disorders are more complex but the first two steps are just the same because you can't fix a problem without understanding the cause of your worry or any problem really.

It helps to have a therapist or someone to talk to about it to help you figure out why and to also just to talk about what you're feeling.

I thought this was funny :)

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