

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Odd dreams

I've been having a lot of ED related dreams these past two nights and they're both really weird and possible triggering so you have been warned :)

The first dream i had was when i was at the great wolf lodge with my family and I had alot to eat that day as well as the day after because they're not disordered and eat breakfast lunch and dinner plus snacks without even thinking about the consequences.

The dream was i had this book that i made (i never did make anything like that) and it had a bunch of thinspo pictures in it with a bunch of hateful words all over it but the one i remember the most is "You're fat, go kill yourself". When i woke up the next morning i was kind of shocked i had such a dream because i've never had anything like that before with such description.

Not last night but the night before i had a dream i had a feeding tube but i was just living everyday life and going to school and when i was in my English class i was trying to pull it out.

These two dreams i've never had before and it was really weird and unexpected. It shows that a day in a half of eating normally how wrong and unacceptable that is.

Has anyone had dreams like this before? My ED has interfered with my sleep physically and mentally before but i never had dreams like this before. It shows how entrenched my brain is in this disease. It honestly kind of scares me.

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