

Monday, February 2, 2015

What challenges your strength today?

There have been a lot of things throughout my life that have tested my strength to the point where i thought the only choice i had was to give up because nothing was getting better. This week though that is challenging my strength as well as my families. On January 29th 2015 was a year since my grandpa passed away from years of various cancers which caused pneumonia leading him to a hospital stint of a month or two.

 He was dying a little bit more each day in that hospital bed but everyone knew he was waiting to go back to his home with familiar surroundings, his dog Chloe before he passed. It's weird thinking about in depth like i am now because it doesn't feel like a year. What also challenges my strength is my family is quickly changing it doesn't directly affect me but when my two cousins give birth the whole family dynamic on my dad's side will change.

It's good change but defenitely different considering one of them is having triplets! Change is change whether good or bad and both equal the same amount of anxiety for me, i don't know why. I love my family, we stuck together thus far we can handle whatever comes our way because we're together.

The birth of my four second cousins doesn't challenge my strength (maybe when i start babysitting though!) this year has been through big changes in our family but life has to change in order to grow older and stronger. I'm excited for the future ahead with four new babies added to the mix as well as a marriage.

Our family has been through a lot and we stick together through thick and thin.

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