

Friday, January 9, 2015


I apologize in advance for this incoherent ramble, most likely I am not in the state of mind to be posting but ya know whatever.

I don't know even know where to start with this day, there are so many events that i feel like i should speak on and my frustration and sadness over the middle school administration who don't know how to do their jobs. If any of you are not aware or who don't live in the United States middle school is 6th-8th grade. I'll start off with the positives of the day, i'm going to a movie with friends it's a group thing my friend and a couple guy friends are tagging along to go see Night at the museum 3, I've already seen it but it's worth seeing again! I love Dexter the monkey! He's so cute!

 This is Dexter in more real monkey form the one in the movie is obviously more animated but it looks just like him!

Anyway, so yeah i'm excited and i get to spend time with people who i haven't really talked to so maybe some new friends? :)

I've actually decided not to talk about the middle school scenario because i don't know who view this blog or who will later on and just for privacy reasons i will not because my mom's a principal in the district so maybe somewhere down the road she could view this blog and i just want to be careful for myself and others. But i will say this, middle school for me was nothing shy of miserable, yes i found two of my best friends there but i went through some of my worst times in middle school and honestly probably 80% of the problems i have now would've most likely been less severe if it wasn't for the administration and the student body that made my depression and anxiety sky rocket. My whole point is it's been 3 years since 7th grade and some of the things that i went through then still have a affect on me to this day. To me middle school is one of the most crucial times in education and social development. You are figuring out who you are and who you fit in with and who you don't etc. I'm not saying you don't in high school but it's more profound i think during those 3 years.

I never really understood how teachers could affect students until the year i hit 7th grade, i don't want to go into the details but the point is the experiences you have in middle school will carry on through high school and determines your self-esteem and confidence. I realize now, during that period of time, you gain more self-awarness of yourself and others and you can determine what you want to do. You have more freedom to choose. Whether you want to do band or choir, basketball or volleyball, you start to recognize your desires instead of adults telling you what to do and how you do them and YOU have that power because you're older therefore more wiser on what you can achieve.

I don't want this to turn into a 2 page essay but my whole point here is teachers need to be more aware of their students and how they react to certain things whether negative or positive and recognize that not each child is the same. They need to realize their actions whether physical or mental have a profound affect on students later in life. If any teacher is reading this or those who want to pursue a career in education, please remember we are more than people who cram algebra in our heads, we are more than textbooks and note taking. We are human beings and we should be treated as such.

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