When i was younger i had no idea what an eating disorder was nor did i have any fixation on my body size. I was just me. Once i experimented with the behaviors for awhile and suddenly got a comfort out of the behaviors was when i realized that i was playing with fire. I remember my old therapist i had from 2011-2012 told me one day "Do you want to be stuck in a place where all you do is eat and process the meal, eat and process the meal?" I don't remember what i said but i will forever remember those questions that she asked me.
Here's a list of what i personally have gone through physically from my eating problems.
- Feeling lightheaded and dizzy
- Almost passing out when standing up too fast
- Eye vision blurry while standing up too fast
- Fingernails brittle
- Dry skin
- Hear palpitations
- Feeling weak
- Shakiness
- Sometimes have trouble walking because legs are so weak
- Feeling sick from being dizzy
- Tired all the time
This is my blog and my these posts are just my thoughts. I don't like the world self-pity it's pointless to me. I'm more the type of person who is sad for awhile then i come to the conclusion that this is reality and we all have to deal with reality no matter how hard we fight to disregard all reality and seep into our own self-destructive world of false reality.
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