

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 26th

Quote-"It does not matter how slow you go, only that you do not stop." CONFUCIOUS

Demi's words- Speed is relative. Some people move quickly and others move slow. It doesn't mean you are getting more done either way; all that matters is you keep going. No matter what.

Goal- Go at a slower pace today, starting with the moment you open your eyes till the moment you close them and everything in between.

I have a hard time accepting the fact that i'm not like other people in the fact that i'm slower instruction/school wise. I have an autism spectrum disorder, i'm very high functioning but i still have problems or issues that contribute to it. I remember my friend who was first starting out in competitive cheer and a coach said to her (obviously not knowing that i'm her friend) "Murphy was really slow at choreography" or something along those lines and when she called me and told me that my heart sank. Not only because i was sad or mad but because this coach was really nice to me and seemed to really like me and it just goes to show people are really good at lying and being two faced. I think that's what hurt me the most. I'm suddenly starting to realize that not everybody's going to like me and not everybody is going to like my quirks that i have but those who do are someone special and keep them close because you never know when you will meet someone like them. If you have confidence in yourself and what you're doing, you won't be so worried about what other people think of you.

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