

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 22nd

Quote- "Procrastination is like a credit card: It's alot of fun until you get the bill. CHRISTOPHER PARKER

Demi's words- Everyone knows that they're not supposed to procrastinate but we all do it every now and again. The more things you put off, the more will build up and you will just feel out of control and stressed.

Goal- Manage and prioritize your time and tasks.

I'm a big procrastinator and i don't think it's that big a problem in my case because i always get things done and turned in eve if it is at the last minute. The procrastination includes the things that i'm dealing with emotionally, i don't deal with my feelings the way i should and obviously that's not good. Pushing down your feelings and just ignoring them, has a cost more than procrastinating a test, it forces you to start over to where your problems first began. Spending the majority of your life numbing your emotions isn't a life, it's putting your life on pause until you're ready to move on and let go.

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