

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 23rd

Quote-"Faith does not exist without doubt." UNKNOWN

Demi's words- I heard my pastor say this at a sermon and i was so moved by the message and beauty of this phrase. Every one of us has moments of doubt where we question why we're here and whether or not we're doing the right thing. It's okay to question your journey because it means that you care and are thoughtful. If you didn't have doubts then there wouldn't be anything for us to have faith in.

Goal- Acknowledge your doubts and do some deep thinking over why you feel that way.

I agree with this quote even if sometimes we don't like to admit it, it is very true. There's always something telling you all the bad things that may happen even when you have your heart set on all the fantastic things that may happen. Embracing the negative feelings is important as well because there is always a possibility of something going wrong. You shouldn't dwell over the negative either, by being positive you have to have faith and in order to have faith you have to have a little bit of doubt.

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