

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19th

Quote-"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." THEODORE ROOSEVELT

Demi's words- We all deserve respect and to know where we stand. But i have so many girlfriends who put up with guys who don't treat them the way they deserve. These guys make promises they can't deliver and are misleading about their real intentions. A friend of mine was dating a guy for over a month, and from the beginning just a casual hookup. But he never committed to her; he could change him, and convince him to love her if they spent a little more time together. Of course she never changed him. He showed his true colors right away but she ignored the signs because she hoped for more.

Goal- When someone won't or can't commit to something, don't force it. Accept it or walk away.

No matter who we are or what we are, we all deserve respect including yourself. You can't force something onto yourself when you know in the back of your mind you can't fulfill that wish. You can't force anything on anyone without them wanting help or wanting some type of resolution. I know in my case i can't recover with everyone forcing me to because ultimately the main motivation and drive to be better needs to come from me and to be honest that's really scary. When will i ever be ready? My friends really want me to get better and it kills me to know that i'm hurting them because no matter how many times they talk to me about it, it doesn't change anything. Don't force or threaten something on anyone because it'll just make it worse and make them feel worse for not exceeding your expectations. Wait until their ready to make a change.

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