

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 18th

Quote- "Take me by the hand, let's compromise."

Demi's words- Relationships involve two people, which means that just your opinions and ideas and aren't enough for a relationship to work. You have to make room for the other person to express themselves as well. It doesn't mean you have to agree on everything because you won't and that's fine. But if you can't find a middle ground and a compromise them you will find yourself alone.

Goal- Work together with friends, family, or coworkers to find compromises when you hit roadblocks.

It's important for the people that are consistently in your life your family know what you really want and for them to help you pursue them. As much as i hate to admit it, you can't do anything alone. You have to ask for help every once in a while and that's hard for me to grasp because i've always been really stubborn and wanting to do everything myself. I've always been independent but i've learned throughout my life and my struggles that i need to let someone in to help me because i can't fight my demons alone.

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