

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 17th

Quote-"Not all who wander are lost" J.R.R. TOLKEIN

Demi's words- Every road you take will lead you to a destination you were supposed to arrive at. Whether that destination was a dead end of a light at the end of the tunnel, know that you were never lost. You were just meant to learn something from the journey you were on.

Goal- Remember that if you don't have a clear path at the moment, don't worry. It doesn't mean you're drifting. It just means you're going about your journey in a different way.

Every road in life takes you to a destination, whether unplanned or planned makes you who you are today. Some roads seem never ending and are so painful you just want to jump off, but you will end up exactly where you are supposed to be and you will become a stronger and happier person.

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