

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 5th

Quote-"We cannot start over but we can start now and make a new ending" ZIG ZIGLAR

Demi's words- Allow all of your hopes, dreams and visions for your life to fill up your heart, energize every word you speak, and give new meaning to every step you take.

Goal- Be fearless, ambitious, brave, and courageous in your personal and professional life.

I kind of like how we don't have an opportunity to start over in life because everything you went through was for a reason. You shouldn't wish away any bad experiences in your life because then you would have no opportunity to grow and achieve bigger and better things. I wouldn't change the things i went through, do i sometimes wish i could start over in life? Yes, but at the end of the day i am glad that i can't start over because i wouldn't have the knowledge and wisdom i have if i hadn't gone through those things. It's inspiring for anyone to go from such a dark, sad and lonely place to a whole other person with a new sense of hope, health and happiness. That's why i wouldn't change anything about my journey through life because i could potentially save someone from going down the road i did and that is more rewarding than being able to start over.

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