

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 14th

Quote- "A Wounded Deer-leaps the highest" EMILY DICKINSON

Demi's words- Our wounds and scars give us strength and courage Mine have made every moment in life more meaningful, and in the end i know myself better. I'm stronger and my passion for life is deeper. I can finally appreciate my wounds for the blessings that they brought me.

Goal- Embrace your past difficulties and painful experiences-they helped shape you. You are stronger for having gone through all you have, and no matter what, you stand here today able to talk to them.

You have the power to say your past doesn't define who you are today. The past is the past for a reason, don't let your past determine your future. The future is yours to discover without you past experiences holding you back. I have embraced the things i have and am going through today as a gift, my calling for this world. To help people who struggle with mental health issues just like me. I wouldn't change anything because i know that there's something amazing will come out of my suffering. My scars tell a story and i'm not ashamed of telling it. Everyone has a story but we all have different ways of telling it. Embrace whatever you're going through good or bad because it could potentially change your life in the most amazing ways.

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