

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 7th

Quote- "Walk by faith, not by sight" 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7

Demi's words- If i had allowed myself to live and dream based only on what i was seeing right in front of me, I wouldn't be anywhere close to where i am today. But i had faith in my dreams, my imagination, the power of my thoughts, and my hopes for a better life. I could've let the way i was treated in school-the bullying, the mean words said to me-define the way i lived, but i didn't. Rather than choosing the life that was right there in front of me, i had faith that my dreams would carry me through the hard times and ultimately bring me to the place i wanted to get to.

Goal- What is your biggest dream? Speak it out loud and tell yourself that it is right in front of you as long as you believe in it and believe in yourself

If you follow your heart more than just focusing on the perfectionism aspect of life you won't really get what you're looking for even when you try you're hardest to find what you're looking for. Your heart is most important in determining what you should do. Your mind isn't very reliable because your mind can often play tricks on you and can lead you to something that can turn into a mistake. Follow your heart and believe in faith, if you have faith anything is possible and i think that is very true. Follow your biggest dream, you never know how long you have until that dream doesn't exist anymore. Believe in yourself and voice your dreams and passions, that's the only way for you to succeed.

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