

Friday, September 5, 2014

Finally the weekend

Even though i've had 3 days of school this week i'm still really happy that we have weekends, days off never get old! :) My brothers 8th birthday was on the 29th but we're having a birthday party with his friends tonight at my moms school which is a perk with having my mom being a principal cause you basically get to make the rules. So yeah we're going to have a nerf gun fight and it sounds like fun actually so i might join the army of 8 year olds? I don't know it sounds fun lol. We have the whole school so it'll be alot of fun i think even for me. The high school's first football game of the season is tonight and i can't wait to see what happens, my friends on the team he's my age and he's pretty cool (And yes were just friends). He'll probably tell me how it goes right after, he has the same type of passion for football kind of like my brother does and i think that's cool. I was the same way with cheer so i get it. I've had about 515 calories today. Now here's the deal this embarrasing gross rule that i've had forever and i found out that it doesn't "get rid" of any calories and i'm not talking about purging, i'm talking about....pooping... natural laxative effect. My parents think i'm crazy that i believe that and i looked online and actually it's just water weight it doesn't actually work in the stomach where the food is it works in the colon... So yeah that's that. I freaked out when i realized what i thought for so long that was the thing that kind of "saved me" so to speak when i freaked out about eating too much. It was actually really upsetting to me and i was actually crying about it without my parents around. Were having pizza and cupcakes at the party. I will try to get away with not getting anything because my parents will be so focused on the little kids running around that they wont really even be paying attention to me but i don't know we'll see. If i do eat i'll have 1 piece of pizza and one cupcake and i'll be helping with alot of it so alot of walking and stuff so i think it'll be fine and saturday i'll workout alot so i think it'll suffice for tonight.

What are ya'll doing this weekend? I see alot of pageviews but no comments? I would love to see comments or questions!

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