

Saturday, September 27, 2014

overdue update

I'm so sorry i haven't updated you guys on the DEMI concert yet! I couldn't even find the time to even be on my computer this week but now here is the very much overdue update of the concert!

I went on Tuesday so the 23rd and my mom picked me up early from school and then we were off! We both needed a break from regular life it was so nice to get away and just spend it with my mom because we haven't really gotten to see each other much with school and stuff. We got there around 4:30 30 minutes ahead of schedule!

When i rang the doorbell of my friends house well it's not really a house it's kind of a rental apartment? She moves into her house in December. Anyway i was SUPER excited to see her and to just catch up on life and it seems like she really likes where she's living and her school is amazing just from the stories she told me! Way different than Andover different in a amazing way :) Everyone is friends with everyone and no judgment like their are cliques obviously cause in a public school that can't be avoided but there isn't judgment towards others and i really like that!

She already has a boyfriend his name is Brandon and he's a senior! He's really hot, they went to homecoming together and the pictures the took we so cute!

We got there around 6:30 and we were going alone so our mom's gave us lectures about ya know where to go and all that and it was actually easier to find our seats than when my mom and i went in Nebraska so that was good and right when we got there we got tshirts seriously i had $45 and Erin had $30 and we each had enough money to buy a shirt each they're really cute! I think Erin's is cuter but i didn't have enough money :( i actually wanted a cute like casual but also nice and it said really don't care Demi with black cut off sleeves at the elbow but it was $50.

We found our seats really easy actually only with just a few answers from the ushers but it was good!

I think i'm going to make the actual concert into a part 2 because there's alot of info i want to get to but i don't want to bore you guys with it all at once ;)

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