

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thoughts on Septemmber 27th quote

I'm scared to care too much because of a possibility of getting hurt in the long run. I have always been afraid of getting hurt by others especially those who i care alot about. I have made some mistakes in friendships and the tug of war between friendship and not friendship. I have admitted to those faults but through my actions i've experienced rejection and isolation and i guess that's sort of why i'm afraid of getting hurt by people. I would much rather leave someone before they have the chance to hurt me or vice versa because with my friendship track record that seems to always be the case. Trusting is hard especially when you've experienced someone lacking integrity and used it to their advantage. Everyone can learn from their mistakes no matter how big or small they are because it could help you get along with people so much better and you might even meet someone very special.

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