

Saturday, August 30, 2014

September 3rd

Quote- "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." A.A. MILNE

Demi's words- Nobody knows how long we are on this earth for; you don't want to waste your time here stressing about the next day. You should just appreciate the moment and try to cherish it as often as you can.

Goal- Realize that time is limited and challenge yourself to live each day to the fullest. What is a way you can live your life to the fullest today?

I seem to waste a lot of my time thinking about my past mistakes and what i should've done better which sometimes is fine but it isn't necessary to worry about the past, focusing on the future is more important. We should also be grateful for today, this moment we're living in is special and we should all be grateful we are as fortunate as we are, i know i am. Live your live knowing you did the best you could possibly do.

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