

Saturday, August 30, 2014

September 2nd

Quote- "Love makes you soul crawl out from it's hiding place" ZORA NEALE HURTSON

Demi's words- Gossip, judgements, bullying, and other negative influences can make us want to hide our true feelings, whether feelings are sadness, joy, or love. It's not easy to trust that you can be yourself, even with those who love you. When you let in the love of your family and friends, your heart and soul will soar.

Goal- Take the time to appreciate those who love and support you and accept you for who you are.

Love is something that everyone desires, some more than others but everyone to some degree crave love in some form or another. It is a very contradicting desire, it can either turn you into a good place or a bad place. Meaning i have a friend who craves love so much that she hooks up with every guy she can get her hands on and that is not healthy and it also defines your reputation that you can't really turn around. Love can also be an eye opening experience and make you feel like you are loved and wanted which for some people is a welcome change. Love is hard like anything else but as long as you take it responsibility you will save your heart for the one who will kiss on your wedding day.

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