

Saturday, August 23, 2014

If i stay movie

I just saw if i stay with my mom and aunt and it was so good! Alot better than i would've expected! It kindof gave me a idea of what it was like in the hospital when my grandpa was sick. There is a sequel of the book (which i've read) so i'm going to read that as soon as i can! I can't wait for the second movie, my mom said it was better than the fault in our stars and i would have to agree. It was your ordinary heart throb love story with the inevitable break up but this movie was different and i liked that. I'm not going to spoil anything for you guys, the very few who read my blog? i actually don't know who reads my blog but i do see pageviews so that's enough for me. It was very good and it made me think because she was in a coma and the doctor said whispered to her "it's your choice if you stay" and i know i always find a way to relate it to my issues but it relates to me and addictions, I can either choose to recover or choose to keep on living the life i'm living which isn't all that great with my days and nights being abducted by a evil voice all the time. It made me think of if this is really what i want my life to be like. I feel like this disease is too strong to just decide but at the end of the day it is kindof what i have to do. I don't know if it's really want to do, i get mixed signals with my decision to push full force into this whole recovery thing but i do realize if i continue this way i will end up a very sad and sick teenager and with a potential of dying and i don't want that. I know it's kindof morbid but it's the truth. I will also do a topic post about something that has been on my mind or maybe just an update i don't know yet. Stay tuned! For the few of you that actually take the time to listen to my ramblings.

If you haven't seen if i stay yet you have to see it! i love Chloe Grace she's the main actress and she was also in the movie Carrie and i saw that last year and it was really good! EVERYONE HAS TO SEE IF I STAY OR AT LEAST READ THE BOOK AND READ THE SEQUEL OR BOTH!

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