

Monday, August 18, 2014

Friends and family

Hi guys, i have therapy in about 45 minutes and i thought i would make an update. Last night my brother had a golf banquet it's a little cute 7 year old banquet or it was actually the group that he was in, there was groups as high up as 16 i think so that's pretty cool i guess. He got 2nd place in his division which was really good for a 7 year old! I'm proud of him. The banquet was kind of unorganized or probably because it was our first time i don't know but whatever it was fine though, we were planning to have dinner there but it didn't happen that way so we just left and to make things worse i don't like talking about my family problems on here just because it's personal and maybe someone in my family will find this blog they know i have a blog but they've never seen it so actually i'm not i was planning to but i decided not to sorry :( okay well we'll switch to another thing that's been weighing heavy on my mind: Friends or i guess now acquaintances. It seems like most of my friends don't really want to talk to me and very distant to me and i don't really understand it and it's really frustrating to feel like your the only one making an effort to keep things going like i feel like i'm the only one who really wants to be friends with them. Like they never text me, the only time they text me is when i message them first and it makes me sad because if i were weighing heavy on my mind they would  talk to me they would text me first and they don't. Some of my friends either text me (when i text them) like they thrilled to here from me but then at school they don't talk to me and very distant and some don't text me back at all but act like i'm they're best friends when i'm at school. The only person that doesn't do that is my best friend Erin that moved 2 months ago like it's not just that she treats me well, she also is so much like me and i think it makes us more bonded. It's weird not having her at school with me though. I have been meeting new people and i would go as far as saying i'm making new friends (maybe possibly a boyfriend) because there's this guy that keeps flirting with me. i have been sitting with them at lunch (not eating much but today was the first time i did eat) i ate doritios and in advisory the teacher brought in brownies so so far i've had 245 calories today which is not good but i'm not really hungry to be honest. Anyway okay that's my update bye!

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