

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 4th

Quote- "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" NEWTONS THIRD LAW OF MOTION

Demi's words- When my father passed away, I was filled with such deep sense of loss and utter heartbreak. For all my pain, I knew there existed an equal sense of hope. It was important for me to honor my feelings, but also to use the pain I was in to do something magnificent. My father and I didn't have the best relationship because he struggled with mental health issues and addiction, but I decided to honor him by starting the Lovato Scholarship at Cast Recovery to help one person at a time who is dealing with an addiction or mental health issue. This is my way of taking a tragic moment of my life and turning it into something positive.

Goal- The next time you are in a sad situation, find a way to turn it around to find the positive spin.

I think it's funny because I kind of see this quote as my life, I feel like the reason I've gone through the things I have is to use my experiences to help other people. The way my life is right now is not very spectacular but I know the outcome will be positive and that makes everything else so worth it. My grandfather was an amazing man and his goal in life was to help others specifically special needs adults and I feel now that he has passed, I need to use what I've been through to help others and I feel like I will use his dream and expand it through my experiences and I feel really honored to be passed on that gift of helping people when they have no hope left.

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