

Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 29th

Quote- "You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months overanalyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened...or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on" TUPAC

Demi's words- If you spend your thoughts and days living in your past, you will find you aren't happy because your missing out on all the joy and wonder in the present. Zone in on this moment right now. Focus on your breathing and be thankful for where you are. We tend to look in the past and future when our joy is actually right under our nose.

Goal- If you spend too much time living in the past, you aren't able to live in the now. Make an effort to move forward today.

I've realized this through these last couple years of high school, life isn't worth spending every day dwelling on your past. The past is the past and you're supposed to learn from your mistakes to give yourself a better future. It doesn't make anything better it just makes you sad thinking everything could be different right now if you changed something that you did in your past. Your future is supposed to be better or more in tune with yourself because you learned alot about your past and was determined to not let your past define your future.

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