

Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 20th

Quote- "Even miracles take time" Cinderella

Demi's words- As children we believed that wishes could come true with the flick of a wand or the snap of a finger. It's not to say that wonderful things can happen quickly, but more than not, miraculous things take time. I truly believe that miracles can happen. With that faith i am provided with the strength to continue to stay strong.

Goal- Have patience. Even the great changes in our lives need time to occur.

I think everyone gets frusturated when things don't happen exactly when they want them to, i know i do. Practice makes perfect and most of the time God knows what he wants you to do and when, be patient with miracles because they will creep up on you and thank God that it wasn't rushed because it wouldn't be as special. Life isn't a competition, It's your life with your unique time frame when your dreams come true. Everything will fall into place with time and you should be thankful for that.

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