

Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 18th

Quote- "Either you run the day or the day runs you" JIM ROHN

Demi's words- When you wake up in a bad mood it seems to always color your day if you don't catch it in time you will start to feel like your whole day is doomed. Believe it or not, you have the power to change you mood and decide to not let one bad thought or feeling ruin your whole day. I'm not saying it's always easy because i know it can be tough. Give it a try and see what positivity and light you can bring in.

Goal- Exercise the laws of attraction today. No matter what happens to you, keep sending out good energy to the universe and see what it brings back for you.

This quote is very true but when you have depression it's really hard to fight the urge to just let the sadness overwhelm you. I don't know how you can change your mood because currently the only thing that makes me genuinely happy is seeing the number on the scale get lower, exercising more than i know i probably should and being alone so i don't have to sit with the guilt and disgust of food slipping past my lips. That's so messed when i really think about it. I had a therapy session a couple weeks ago and she asked me "What gets you out of bed in the morning?" I immediately thought "getting on the scale and seeing the number go down" but i didn't say that i said my friends and family which is absolutely true but when you have a disease the moments when you don't think about it are very few and and far between and that's really really sad. The only thing that can help heal your mind and body is attempting to get better. As long as you try that's all that matters, it shows willingness which is the beginning of the process.

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