

Monday, July 21, 2014

Why do we waste our time wondering?

We always wonder about ourselves and just life in general, we don't really understand the life we live. Most of the time we don't think, just doing things is so much simpler. Wondering can be good but also very time consuming to try to understand the impact of this world. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, we automatically tend to think about the expectations that are upon us. We are all scared of something but why are we scared of the unexpected? Nothing can be 100% correct but if we get past the scariest 50% the rest will fall into place and you will no longer have a reason to worry.

Worrying seems to happen to a lot of us for understandable reasons but is there such a thing as unnecessary worry? I think so, i'm definitely guilty of it and i'm pretty sure the rest of us are as well. It's important to recognize when you find ourselves worrying and determine if it's worth worrying about. That may be hard to clarify in the moment but if you take the time to really think about it you can gain a lot of perspective and be more aware. The things that are unplanned in our lives can turn into something that we couldn't ever imagine living without, I think that's amazing. It's good to wonder about certain things that seem impossible to understand but maybe we're just meant to keep our curiosity circulating and just enjoy this unexpected yet beautiful life we live.

Worrying excessively isn't healthy. I think we should lessen our anxiety about the unexpected and learn to open our eyes to new experiences.  

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