

Monday, July 21, 2014

Everything happens for a reason

There's things that happen in life that are unexplained, maybe that's why were scared to dip our toes into the unknown. I firmly believe in everything happens for a reason, it may not be what we thought or it seems incredibly unfair that we go through rough times but at the end of the day it shapes who we are and how we handle things. Why something happens to us whether good or bad if there wasn't any type of plan behind it? I'm not necessarily talking about god i'm talking about humanity that God created for us. If you sit down and think about it, why we just experience things just to experience them ? That would leave life meaningless. I think that's very true for me I feel like if everything in my life just happened and had no logical plan behind it, it wouldn't be as special or it wouldn't be like a puzzle piece missing it would just be thrown in with all the others. There would be no point in making the puzzle if the pieces would never fit into place. Do you see where i'm getting at?

I think you should think about it, again this isn't from a god stand point just humanity and different beliefs.

I mean I wouldn't be motivated to do anything i'm doing without my personal journey to back it up. I wouldn't be destined to help others. I wouldn't be writing this right now, there would be no blog.

Do you believe happens for a reason? Or all your experiences are just expected to fall into place?

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