

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 29th

Quote- "Always have hope. The best feeling in the world is knowing that there are infinite possibilities." ANONYMOUS

Demi's words- In our darkest hours there's always a ray of light to be seen and a kernel of hope to be found. Grab onto that hope and let the excitement of all the possibilities motivate you.

Goal- When you're down, search for the glimmer of hope inside you and let your mind run wild with the promise of what's to come.

Hope keeps the spark of motivation inside you circulating. In the moment when i'm going through a really hard time, hope doesn't even enter my mind I just let the sadness ruminate. Then when i'm in a better state of mind I see the shimmer of hope in the background. Hope can be the most humbling thing to witness, you just have to believe that everything will work out in the end.

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