

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 14th

Quote- "Gratitude is the key to happiness"

Demi's words- I am so grateful to all my friends, family and fans who have helped me stay strong on my road to recovery. I feel such a deep gratitude to every single person who stayed strong for me because it has given me the strength I need to come out to them and make my way toward recovery.

Goal- Today make a point to thank everyone around you for being in your life, especially the ones who've stuck by your side through rough times.

I have a lot of people around me who want the best for me and love me for who I am and I am truly with all my heart grateful for everything they've done for me.  Even though so many people who show their love and affection day after day I still feel the need to have more friends, I know quality ism ore meaningful than quantity but I do wish I had more love and affection. I'm not saying I don't have enough because I have more than I probably deserve but I do wish I had what my brother had which is friends. I have to remember that i'm not like my brother because even though we're siblings, we shouldn't be the same and everyone's different in their own special way and I guess this is mine. I'm not complaining, my life is good and that's all that matters.

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