Whoever says anorexia is glamorous has no idea what they're talking about, it's hell on earth. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, no one deserves to feel this way.
i'm not really sure what to expect but i'm excited and nervous about it and I guess we'll just wait and see.
I have a camp to go to on Sunday and it's kind of a god based Christian camp it's at friends university and it's a high school camp where we do mission trips and things and it looks cool I mean i'm not really thrilled about the God thing but it's something to do during the summer and the mission trips sound really fun and I love helping people i'm not sure about manual labor but I guess we'll wait and see I actually don't know what these mission trips like what we're gonna be doing there so I guess it'll be like an adventure!
It's for 6 days and we stay in the friends university dorms which is cool! Also i'm kind of excited because its 6 days and there's structured meal times breakfast, lunch and dinner like normal people and no ones watching me to see if i'm eating but I will eat there I have to eat I mean i'm not going to starve myself the whole time i'm there but I don't know it just makes me happy that I have control over my food intake there.
I don't know what to expect but i'm excited to go it'll be a new experience :)
Demi is my recovery inspiration :)
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