

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 13th

Quote- "So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground" OPRAH WINFREY

Demi's words- Failures, mistakes, learning, and new beginnings are all a part of life. If I had taken my need to go to rehab as a sign of failure, I wouldn't be where I am today. I made the choice to start over, deal with my problems, and get back up again. Believe me, it wasn't easy. There were times when it would have been easier to give up and stay the way I was. But sometimes we need to hit rock bottom to see the way out. Our failures don't define us-they shape us and we are all the better for that.

Goal- Think about what failures have shaped you for the better.

Asking for help has saved my life. If I hadn't gone to the mental hospital, I most likely wouldn't be here today. If I hadn't been to therapy I wouldn't be going on this journey of recovery. Yeah it sucks and i'm not looking forward to letting go of my safety blanket but being happy and healthy is so much more worth it to me than feeling gross about my "healthy" body. I will gain weight, I know that but if it has to take that to be happy with life I would take that any day. Failures will later turn into something beautiful and it shapes who you are for the better and that's an amazing thing. Life is so beautiful and it shapes who you are for the better and that's an amazing thing. Life is too beautiful and short to spend it living in a trapped cage called addiction.

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