

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 23rd

Quote- "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears" LES BROWN

Demi's words- Fears stop you from all things possible. Don't let fear get in the way of anything, especially your dreams. Did you know that FEAR is actually an acronym that stands for False Evidence Appearing Real? In other words, you fears are not real because they're not actually happening-they're based on things that haven't happened yet and therefore don't exist.

Goal- Replace a fear a wish or a dream of your life and choose to focus on that instead

I focus more on my fears than I do my fears, my fears seem to overrule what I want to do because I don't believe i'll be able to do it or similar things that happened to me in the past that makes me anxious so I don't want to do it. Dreams and ideas are part of life but so is fear, will you let your fears overpower your dream in changing the world?

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