

Thursday, June 12, 2014

i've been sick :(

I've been sick for the last 2 days it was some type of flu I think but not the stomach flu. I had a fever and body aches and stuff but I'm better now! At first when I told my mom she thought I was shaky and pale because I haven't eaten that much these last few days but when I took a nap twice in one day and she took my temperature and it was like 101 she knew I was sick. I never take naps during the day like I try but I don't know I guess my body isn't wired to take naps? I love sleep though it felt nice to actually sleep and not wakeup cause I have insomnia problems and it's annoying but sometimes I like just laying there peacefully and dark and completely silent. I didn't have a fever yesterday but I still felt awful but today i'm still recovering and hopefully in a couple days i'll be finally better! What sucks though is that this week was my running camp for cross country and Monday and Tuesday it was canceled cause of rain and yesterday and today I didn't go and tomorrow it would kind of be pointless to go cause it's the last day but it isn't mandatory or anything but I was really looking forward to going but whatever. I've lost weight since I've been sick and i'm 93.2 right now yesterday I was 93.8 so it's going down yay!

Last night was my mom and dads 20th anniversary and we went to a really nice restaurant and ya I didn't want to not go because it's kind of a big deal and I didn't want to miss out so I went and actually my dad just wanted my mom and him to go together and we kids stay but my mom wanted all of us to go so we all went. My friend Erin and I are going to see the fault in our stars on sunday and i'm excited I seriously could watch that movie over and over again it's so good! but I will defenitly be prepared this time and bring tissues! I never cry in movies my mom makes fun of me cause I have like no emotion to that kind of thing but I cried like a baby! I actually was kind of surprised at myself that I cried that much.

When I start to get better i'm going to start training for cross country practices starting june 30th!

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