

Friday, May 9, 2014


It's finally Friday! I love weekends but this weekend I have nothing going on and it feels weird since I've been going going going with theatre. Today was pretty good, I sat with my friends at lunch today and it went pretty well. I didn't eat but I did talk with them and it went well and I kind of miss being social but obviously a lot holds me back. My friend has asked me multiple times to sit with her and every time I do but I don't consistently go and it makes me feel really guilty because I don't want them to think just because i'm not sitting with them when they have constantly offered and welcome me with open arms that I don't care about them or I don't think about them every day because I honestly do think about them every day and I just hate the idea of them thinking that I don't want to be friends with them or something like that. I texted them to reassure them that I do care and that I feel guilty for not sitting with them more and they were totally understanding and told me they'll always be my friends and I can always talk to them when I need or want too. That means a lot and it reassures me that no matter what i'll always be there friends and they'll always be mine and now that my best friend is moving it makes me more confident with the friendships and growing friendships that I have now. I want to have a friend over this weekend i'm not sure though so anyway I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

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