

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The difference between overeating and bingeing

I think this is important for everyone to know because some people most of the time point out comments to themselves or other people about whether they've overeaten or not and some people just don't know what bingeing is or the difference between the two. that is why i'm making this post for all of you out there that are curious about the difference.

I notice a lot of people that I know and probably most people throw around the term overeaten. Overeating means you eat a large amount of food which for society today is pretty normal I guess or so it seems like. I hate when people overeating or past tense of the word like does it really matter? and do they know really what it means? Eating is eating, eating a normal amount of food is NORMAL. Overeating is eating a large amount for the body that wasn't necessary not because you thought "oh god I just overate". It doesn't work like that. Overeating from time to time is normal but for anyone who throws around that term please don't it's not necessary and most likely not true. Overeating is just eating because you want to it's not bad and more people should realize this.

Bingeing I don't hear it so much but in the eating disorder community it's thrown around a lot. Bingeing is going past the body's compacity of fullness and attempting to fill a hole in their life that they can't physically fill or handle so we take that emotion out emotionally towards food. Now this is not the dictionary definition this is just my experience with binge eating if any of you have more you want to say about what bingeing means just comment below.  Bingeing is more complicated than overeating because bingeing consists of food and emotions when overeating is just food and making not necessarily good choices which is OKAY from time to time. When people binge we often find ourselves not really realizing how much we ate until we kind of "wake up" and realize holy shit how did all these wrappers get here? When I binge i don't really notice that i'm eating that much until i actually take the time to stop eating. It's almost like your on autopilot meaning that you can't stop you just go go go and not really realizing or caring about the consequences all you know is food=emotional comfort and that's enough for you at that moment. When you're in the cycle of bingeing, bingeing and purging or bingeing/purging/restricting it serves a purpose that you can't really explain which makes it hard to stop and it makes you feel safe because you know food will always be there for you even if something/someone is not.

I obviously know a lot more about bingeing but i did my best to explain my thoughts on overeating so if you have any comments or additional information should be added just comment below. this was just my thoughts these aren't real definitions they're just what i perceive them to be. If you think you struggle with bingeing/overeating through what I've wrote here get support from your family or friends. Talk about it.

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