

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 9th

Quote- "If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals" J.K. ROWLING

Demi's words- There's nothing more unattractive than when I see someone acting really nice to someone who has power and treating someone else badly because in their eyes they are lower on the social ladder. The best way to find out who someone really is, is to notice if they treat all people with equality. If they don't, it's worth reevaluating your relationship.

Goal- Treat all people the same, with love, respect, and kindness, regardless of their financial or social position in life. You are no better or worse than anyone else because of what you have or don't have.

It's hard as hell to find a honest to god true person, I want that trust and honestly with just one person and I don't have that yet. Most of my friends are really good friends and i'm not saying they'ren ot, I just want to find a person that I don't hide anything from them and vice versa. I want a true friend who don't backstab me, I don't want fake friends. I want another Savannah in my life and it really scares me that I won't find that connection and unconditional love that we have with each other with anyone else that lives here. I don't trust a lot of people with absolutely everything and I want to be able to find that one person that is a true and honest person. I want to be able to talk to friends for hours with no awkward silences, I want to get excited when I get to see that person. I want what Savannah and I have but another version of her, here. It makes me nervous that I won't find another person comes into my life that is as much of a blessing as Savannah was to come into my life.

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